Submit a Conference Today (!

I created this website because of my own frustration when researching library conferences to attend. I wanted to know what was out there, how much they cost, what they were about, and more. When I was first began working in an academic library, I heard a lot of acronyms thrown out during conference season. I wrote it all off as noise, until I was given permission to attend one myself. I didn’t know where to begin, so I asked my colleagues. One suggested ALA, another LOEX of the West, another said keep it local and go to SEFLIN. I hurried back to my computer and started to Google. I quickly realized I knew nothing and that there was way more out there than just the ALA conference. I Googled “library conferences” expecting that someone had created a website that listed them all, and although I did find a few, none really was as comprehensive as I expected. I thought maybe I should make my own website to list all the conferences and then, after contemplating it for a year, I finally finished the beta version of my vision.

Although the website is still in its infancy, the feedback so far has been positive. The website will feature a user-friendly interface with clickable links to conference websites. Also, a clickable map, a sortable table of result, and a form to submit new conferences will all be prominent features of the completed website. I believe for this website to be a truly comprehensive list of library conferences, I will need the input of as many people as possible.

I encourage all of you reading this to submit a conference, send me feedback, or send an email with a new feature you would like to see!

Post written by A. Deluca.

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