Online Discussion Forum Topic Schedule 2017-2018

By: Leigh Milligan

The Online Discussion Forum will be having monthly discussions on the NMRT listserv this year from Oct-May. We will also be having one live chat on Twitter in January.

Here is the discussion topic schedule:

Oct-Outreach to the underserved

Nov-Managing your professional image online and/or online networking

Dec– How to brainstorm and/or partner with a colleague to submit a conference proposal

Jan– Overcoming Negativity in the Workplace: Tips for staying professional, keeping it together and being a positive force for change in a negative workplace culture

Jan Live Twitter Chat (Date TBD)- Managing Stress: Creating work/life balance, saying no, practicing mindfulness, making time for exercise

Feb- Collaboration between libraries: Not just ILL programs but with programs, coordinating and sharing resources and so on.

March– Service to the profession:  This would include committees and other ways we can give back to the library community

April-Designing Welcoming Spaces on a Budget: Tips librarians can use to make areas of the library or even the whole library more welcoming to patrons without spending a ton of money. Things like how to best arrange furniture, best ways to organize/showcase the collection, etc.

May-Ways to Develop Your Leadership Skills

Keep your eye out on the NMRT listserv for information on how you can participate!

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