Also, visit https://journals.ala.org/index.php/endnotes
Endnotes isn’t going to just claim to be here for you like those car commercials. We need you right now as much as you need us.
While life is on hold, let Endnotes and NMRT help you out with your future. Take control of any fears over your career by publishing with Endnotes. You will get experience with publishing and the peer review process, and our committee members gain experience with being peer reviewers. Think of anything you have worked on as a student or as part of any library jobs: public, grad students, staff, faculty, academic, social media posters, bloggers, tweeters, we read and publish them all. No project is too big or too small, if it would benefit another library, we would love to consider it for our publication.
Past articles have been about:
- first-year students
- storytime
- bloggers
- the job search
- library instruction
We also take book reviews. So if you’re looking for an excuse to read a book for professional development, write a review of it and submit it for publication. Obviously, it must be library-related.
Your articles keep our publication going.
We would love to be a line on your resume.
Other ways to be involved
If you’re not interested in publishing but would like to join a committee and up your professional service portion of your resume or cv, please look at ways to join an NMRT committee. There is an incredible variety of areas you can participate in.
- Review the committees here and find one that interests you: NMRT Committees Link
- Fill out the volunteer form at the following link, make sure you select NMRT after you sign in with your ALA account. The link to the form is at the bottom of the page after some instructions Link to Committee Volunteer Page and Form