ALA Annual Conference: NMRT Events & Customized Google Map

ALA Annual 2023 in Chicago is right around the corner and NMRT Committees have been busy putting together resources and events related to the conference. Whether this is your first ALA Annual or you have attended before, the resources and events listed below are meant to assist you in having the best conference experience that you can.

To help attendees find conference hotels, session locations, great restaurants, and attractions to visit while in Chicago, the Annual Conference Local Information Committee created a
customized Google Map. The map, which can be found here, is sure to be useful in planning
your time in Chicago.

Throughout the conference, NMRT’s Resume Review Service Committee will offer its popular
Resume Review Service in the placement center. Stay tuned for more information about how to
register for an appointment to have your resume looked at by individuals with hiring experience. The service attempts to match up reviewer and reviewee by library type to ensure you get feedback specific to the type of library you work in or are looking to work in.

The first NMRT event planned for the Annual Conference is the NMRT Field Trip on Thursday, June 22 from 1-4 p.m. The NMRT Field Trip this year will consist of grabbing lunch and going on a walking tour of downtown Chicago. This ticketed event is sold out, but we look forward to a fun afternoon of exploring and networking for those attending.

NMRT’s Conference Orientation, geared towards first time conference attendees, will take place on Friday, June 23 from 1:30-3 p.m. This session will include information about ALA and NMRT, followed by a panel discussion about getting involved in ALA, conference tips, and information about Chicago from a local.

NMRT’s President’s Program is on Saturday, June 24 from 1-2 p.m. Titled “Preserving the Past, Providing Access and Anticipating Future Needs,” the session will feature presentations by three librarians who are doing innovative work with preservation, access and user experience.

The Executive Board will hold its meeting on Sunday, June 25 at 8:30 a.m. Executive Board
meetings are open to everyone and I encourage those interested in learning more about how
governance works in ALA’s round tables to attend.

On Sunday night, join NMRT for a night of networking and fun at the Annual Social from 5-7
p.m. at Pinstripes (435 E Illinois Street). The Annual Social is a great opportunity to meet
current and former NMRT members. NMRT’s award winners will be honored at this event.
We hope to see you at one or more of NMRT’s events during the ALA Annual Conference in

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